Less Exposure Surgery Education
The LESS Society prides itself on its first-rate education for both patients and surgeons. From online resources, to training labs and one-on-one sessions, the LESS Society is committed to educating the healthcare community on the numerous clinical benefits provided by LESS techniques and technologies.
For Patients
For Patients
What is Degenerative
Disc Disease?
Intervertebral discs have gel-like core which gives them a soft, shock absorbing characteristic. These intervertebral discs act as cushions between the vertebrae in your spine, absorbing the impact of the body's daily activities. Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a condition of the body caused by deterioration of these intervertebral discs.

Treatment Options

Epidural Steroid Injections
Helps relieve nerve symptoms causing radiculopathy or sciatica
Trigger Point & Joint Injections
Helps relieve nerve symptoms at pain source
Physical Therapy
Medial Branch Blocks
Helps diagnose and relieve back pain from the facet joints
Laser/Radiofrequency Rhizotomies
Relieves back pain from the facet joints

Endoscopic Surgery
Microscopic Surgery
Total Disc Replacement
terspinous Fixation
Laser Spine Surgery
Cervical Fusion
Thoracic Fusion
Lumbar Fusion
Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Fusion
Fracture Repairs
Piriformis Surgery
Benign Tumor Removal
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For Surgeons
As forerunners in Less Exposure Spine Surgery (LESS), the LESS Society is committed to equipping and training surgeons in less invasive, outpatient techniques. The LESS Technique Certification is available to those interested in being trained in Less Exposure Surgery.
Certification Process

Register to begin your inquiry into the LESS Technique Certification. A Less Exposure Surgery Society member will contact you with more information.

Once accepted into the LESS Certification program, you will have the opportunity to shadow LESS-certified surgeons and observe Less Exposure Surgery Techniques as practiced in a clinical environment

Our Less Exposure Spine Surgery trainings will provide you with comprehensive education and practice in the LES Technique.

Once you meet all requirements of the program, you will receive your Less Exposure Surgery Certification and will be a qualified practitioner of Less Exposure Spine Surgery.